Advanced Infield Training for 13U-18U Players - Sign-Up Now!
by Force Sports Club, 2021-12-17T17:24:39.000-08:00December 17 2021, at 05:24 PM PST
On Thursday (January 6th) Force is offering an advanced infielder clinic for ages 13U-18U (we will work younger levels on a different day). This is for all 13u-18u infielders or players wanting to work on their infield game (it’s not just for Shortstops :) ). This is offered by our affiliate partner – Gary Patchett at ShortStopU. Gary has been an MLB scout for the past 8 years and helps us run our infield specialization training through ShortstopU. One of the best infield coaches around.Check out some of Gary’s work here….
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